
Same phone number since 1958—a lot has changed since then but our commitment to serving our customers well hasn’t waivered.

Our Vision

Ben Muller Realty’s dedication to the West Michigan area has facilitated a relationship of trust and confidence with our  tenants and property owners. We are in tune with the local market and take pride in developing properties that enrich our community while also enhancing the value of our client’s assets.

We diligently guide you through selecting your site, coordinating your design, and getting your project financed. Our goal is to provide a  superior development experience customized to the local area, which ultimately results in high-quality tenants who add maximum value to our client’s property.

Coordinated Development

  • Site analysis
  • Property acquisitions
  • Assistance with zoning and planning approval process
  • Design management
  • Construction management
  • Financing
  • Architecture and engineering coordination
  • Market strategy
  • Due diligence consulting
  • Long-term planning

Ready to Start?

Let us give you the peace of mind that comes from our commitment to getting the job done right.